Preliminary Project: Brief
As part of our preliminary project we have been asked to create a piece of film which involves a character walking through a door and exchanging a piece of dialogue with a secondary character; sounds boring right? However, we created an interesting plot of 'An Interview with an Assassin' which will be fun to shoot and watch, however it has a lot of potential to be extremely cinematically tense.
We was given a set list of continuity techniques it had to include such as: 180 degree rule, match on action and shot/reverse shot.
180 Degree Rule
The 180 degree rule is a continuity convention which keeps the camera at one side of the action. It gives the characters a horizontal relationship,an axis in which the camera stays along, it gives the audience better spatial awareness of the characters positions. Sometimes this convention is broken to cause disorientation or other effects; it causes great cinematic tension.
Match on action
Match on action is another continuity technique where editing is used to merge two shots to form a believable sequence of film due to the continuity of match on action. The seamless merge of to different shots will cause the audience to fall for the illusion of continuity due to the believable similarities of the shots, match on action is making the two shots (even though being shot separately) look as if they have been shot chronologically.
Reverse Shot
A reverse shot is used when two players are conversing; in order to convey to the audience the action of conversation the camera has to shoot them in opposite directions so that the audience assumes that they are looking at each other.
Preliminary Task
Preliminary Task
In this task I am in a group with Emma and Jake, collectively we decided to create a sinister 'Interview with an Assassin' as this plot could be took as satire horror, we will have to deal with the Scary Movie cliches and tackle them to create an immaculately tense film.